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Saturday, August 06, 2005 - Return to Flight
Tollie can't help but say that what NASA does is "incredible." And so, besides telling you that this week's recommended website is, I want to point you to specific places on where you can find the really good stuff.
  • Discovery over the blue Earth, desktop background: 1024 x 768 or 1280x1024
  • Watch NASA TV online
  • Liftoff! and Launch.
  • Video from a Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) from takeoff to separation (2 minutes in the video) to splashdown.
  • Video from the External Tank (ET) as the Orbiter separates.
  • Video of the first ever EVA (space walk) under the Shuttle, and removing protruding gap fillers. "It looks like this big patient is cured." Commander Eileen Collins asked Steve to check the oil while he was down there.
  • Pictures taken by Steve Robinson while underneath the shuttle.
  • Hi-res image taken by the International Space Station (ISS) crew as the shuttle did a backflip at 17000 miles per hour. Looking closely, not only can you see the two protruding gap fillers, but you can also see someone's elbow in the side-window.
  • The STS-114 and ISS Expedition 11 crew in the US Destiny lab on the ISS. Check out the wires.
  • All the videos, and in three formats. (scroll to the bottom to navigate from page to page)
  • Finally - the big high-definition video. The only HD video I've found for free so far, but it's "incredible." Requires installing Quicktime 7. Slower computers should get the 480p version, or the video may be choppy.
posted by Tollie Williams @ 7:21 AM   0 comments

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